Fighting for our Nations Future!

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Z Media Team
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In today’s episode of Full Disclosure, Joseph Z lends his voice as always, in the fight for our nation’s future. He begins by sharing a video clip of a dialogue between Clark Schwab and Bill Gates, which exposes their hidden plan for population control. Another video he shared delves into deeper details of what Gates has been up to, with our environment, which has drastically induced climate change; while they’re making us believe they’re fighting for climate protection all along. He goes further to bring to our knowledge that climate change is fake and that events that were suspected to be caused by climate change, were induced by these nefarious characters, to deceive people into trusting their plans.

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Moving on, Joseph brings exposure to the cheating that took place in one of the States at the ballotting, during the 2020 election. He further discloses that America has a special anointing on it to be what it is, and it’s the only country standing in the gap for the other nations, and thus has protected other nations from the onslaught of these nefarious characters that seek to destroy the world with their demonic agenda. He clarifies that this is the reason why America has been the target all along. Again, we will come to learn that for the first time, there was a missile fired from the outside of the Earth’s atmosphere recently, in the Israeli and Palestinian war currently ongoing; which he believes to be quite concerning. 

More importantly, Joseph warns that there may be a “part two” to the global sickness we experienced in 2020, while also disclosing some interesting facts about the covid 19 vaccine. Once more, he makes us understand that all that’s going on, is a symphony of distraction to divert our attention from the real issues. Also, he expresses concern about springtime, because of what he sees coming; revealing also, that there’s a plan to collapse the financial system to usher in digital currency. Nonetheless, he believes that the Church can take authority if we unite, and we should, to push back everything going on in the culture today. 

Reassuringly, Joseph reveals that when Jesus shed His blood on the cross for us, it was a covenant agreement from God Almighty to us; in that, when we receive Jesus everything that He paid for, is ours. This means that when we go in “Red” we have provision, protection, soundness of mind, salvation, deliverance, healing/wholeness, and preservation from the day of judgment. He then urged us to remember that, it was dark in Egypt but there was light in Goshen. He further declares life, favor, and boldness over us all.