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Z Media Team
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Today, on Full Disclosure, Joseph Z divulges the end-time apocalyptic revelation and also reveals the extreme exposure coming to the Church soon. He begins by sharing a clip of Tom Horn’s interview about his prophecy regarding an asteroid that he reveals will hit the Earth in the year 2029. In the interview, he discloses that the spirit of God revealed the word “Apophis” while he was trying to make sense of what he saw in his vision, and later on, he came to realize that Apophis is the name of an ancient demon and that NASA has also named an asteroid, “Apophis”. Notwithstanding, he also assures us that God can delay or alter what is to come if we cry out to Him in repentance. 

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Moving on, Joseph leads us to the Book of Revelation 8:8-13 whose account is related to the vision seen by Tom Horn. He infers that what we do, this year and the few years to come will be a predicated narrative that will enable us to understand where we’re headed in 2029. What’s more, he reveals his earlier prophecy of extreme exposure where he disclosed that the young lions would rise, which will also be marked by judgment in the house of God, leading to the exposure of those who claimed to be on the good side of things but had all along been against the good course of God. He further references the word of God in the Book of 1 Peter 4:17, where we see that judgment will begin at the house of God, and we can only imagine what will become of those who do not know God at all.

In addition, Joseph urges us to keep our lives in order, what with, what’s coming next. He again leads us to the word of God from the Book of Isaiah 60:1-3, which instructs us to arise and shine for our light has come and though the world be covered with darkness, the Lord will rise over us and His glory will be seen upon us. He further interprets this to be talking about the season of the end, and how darkness and light will rise simultaneously, but in the middle of this, we will be presented with a window of opportunity to turn from our evil ways and be prepared for what’s to come. He insists that there’s another round of the kingdom of righteousness shining bright in the darkness, and urges us to get prepared, for the days have now become very short.