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Z Media Team
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In this live broadcast, Joseph Z avails us of the opportunity to look at 2024 words and prophetic insights. He shares a clip showing an array of revelations, ranging from the end-time warnings in the Book of Revelation, Noah Harari and Co's ridiculous agenda to write a new Bible using AI, down to the state of the Euphrates River and how it relates to the discovery of King Gilgameshā€™s tomb, whose epic account reveals that Gilgamesh was interred under the Euphrates, in a tomb fashioned after his death. Also, we see on CBS News that warships are patrolling in nearby international waters and thereā€™s now an interesting relationship that exists between China and Russia. Whatā€™s more, we will come to see that so many other countries have joined the BRICS nation, and as we know, theyā€™re pushing for a digital currency that portends no good for the US dollar. He further exposes the truth behind the Maui fire, which has been proven by research to have been induced by laser technology. To our amazement, these deadly lasers of mass destruction are freely traveling above us.Ā 

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Moving on, Troy Brewer interprets the year 2024, revealing that it is a tremendous kingdom year, as such, we must be loyal to the Lord even in the midst of our troubles. Also, Pastor Paul Brady urges us to keep our eyes on the Lord, set our minds upon the things above, and pray without ceasing. Also, Dr. Charles Karuku sends us a message of hope for the new year, alongside Pastor Ken Peters who urges us to leave it all on the floor in 2024, which means that we should give it our all and our best, to see a victory come forth. Again, Robert Hotchkin gives us words of prophecy, revealing that thereā€™ll be more war and warfare in 2024, but urges us not to fear because God wants us to take territory back from the enemy. He further asserts that if weā€™re willing to go to war, weā€™ll reap the spoils of the war.Ā 

On the other hand, Ashley and Carlie Terradez, inform us that this year will be a significant one and that we will reap the rewards of our hard labor; they further urge us to get ready for more in 2024. Once more, weā€™ve Dean Sikes who assures us that the new year will be a good one and urges us to listen twice more than we talk to get farther into Godā€™s plans for our lives. Further, Pastor Bob Yandian advises us not to be deceived, nor troubled, but to stand in faith in God. Again, Larry Sparks discloses that thereā€™s a connection between 2024 and Psalm 24, urging us to allow the holy spirit to use us in any way He wishes to, to the greater glory of God. Also, Pastor Mark Cowart encourages us to run with patience, the race that lies before us, and to stir up the gift of God that is within us.Ā 

Furthermore, weā€™ve Mike Signorelli informing us that thereā€™s a grace for those willing to go the distance and urges us to be bold for the Gospel. Whatā€™s more, Alan Didio releases some prophetic words, saying that 2024 will be a year of war, and as such thereā€™s a need for generals to arise; he urges us to expect divine governance. By the same token, Todd Coconato reveals that we will see new dark things, but that the people of God will go deeper, and that we will witness more of Godā€™s power. Again, Lance Wallnau assures us that we will go through an open door in 2024, and we will see a different alignment in the prophetic and the body of Christ. Moreso, Rick Renner reveals that the year 2024 will be filled with turbulent episodes across the entire world, in finances, politics, and the nations; and will cause those whoā€™re not rooted in God to be shaken greatly. But those who are in God will witness supernatural provision and supernatural victory.Ā 


0:00 Introduction

01:00 New AI Bible?

01:51 Euphrates River & the Epic of Gilgamesh

04:22 More Nations Join BRICS?

05:11 Maui Fire & Laser Technology

08:53 Troy Brewerā€™s Message for 2024

18:48 Pastor Paul Bradyā€™s Word for 2024

23:47 Dr. Charles Karukuā€™s Goodwill Message

24:41 Pastor Ken Peterā€™s Words for 2024

27:47 Robert Hotchkinā€™s Message for 2024

33:38 Ashley & Carlie Terradezā€™s Words for 2024

39:14 Dean Sikesā€™ Message for 2024

40:43 Pastor Bob Yandianā€™s Words for 2024

45:41 Larry Sparksā€™ MessageĀ 

50:50 Pastor Mark Cowartā€™s Words

59:23 Mike Signorelliā€™s WordsĀ 

1:01:42 Alan Didioā€™s Prophetic Message

1:04:38 Todd Coconatoā€™s Prophetic Words

1:07:22 Lance Wallnauā€™s WordsĀ 

1:12:09 Rick Rennerā€™s Message

1:21:27 Conclusion