Joseph Z w/ Special Guest Bill Federer!

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In the studio today with Joseph Z is special guest, Bill Federer. They look into issues about American history and culture compared to what we have today. Bill reveals that the tower of Babel was the first attempt at a one-world government before God divided them using language barriers. He further brings to our understanding that nations were God’s invention to prevent a one-world government. He informs us that all the world's kingdoms are ruled through fear because fear is the electricity and the blood that goes through dictatorship. He dives into the world’s civilizations and how they ended, revealing that sexual promiscuity always precedes the collapse of a civilization. 

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Moving on, Bill discloses that Civilization goes through several stages, the first, being periods of pain and poverty, they work through that, become patriotic and prosperous, and at the point they begin to enjoy their prosperity they become promiscuous. Also, he reveals that there’s a term known as “the sexual marketplace”, which details what comes out of every sexual relationship. So to say, when the women say they want commitment before getting involved with a man, we will have more committed men, working to stay committed and to protect their wives and kids. But the reverse is the case when women decide to leave commitment out of the picture, this gives the men no challenge at all, and children are raised out of wedlock, risking lack of parental love, leading to a weaker culture and a society prone to vices. 

In like manner, Bill reveals that the kings of England looked to the Bible for their authority. He then analyzed how the Church and the government came to be at loggerheads. Interestingly he reveals that the first speaker of the US House of Representatives was Lutheran Pastor Frederick Augustus and his first agenda was to tie the federal government's hands, so it doesn't become a centralized monster ruling through mandates and forcing people to believe what the government believes. Again, he reveals that the Book of Numbers 30 speaks loudly about what happens when people keep silent about the goings-on in the culture, which he believes to be a consent to all that’s going on. On the heels of this, he reveals that it’s wrong for Christians to keep silent about what’s happening all over the land with the excuse of piety. Again, he alludes to certain biblical stories to emphasize the consequences of being silent in situations we’re expected to speak up. 

Furthermore, Bill insists that those who see all the wicked things out there and keep silent are guilty of the same sin. Again, he makes it clear that every generation has a crisis and the crisis is what pushes the people to respond, and we should not run from the present situation of the world but respond boldly. He shares the stories of Bible leaders and what they did for their generation while urging us to be bold like these leaders and not shrink back from the evil culture because of the fear of men. He then prays for God to touch our hearts, breathe life into us, fill us with the holy spirit, and use us to spread the word all over the world. 


0:00 Introduction

01:47 History, Civilization & Nimrod

03:30 Historic Kingships

04:54 When Did Satan Gain all the World’s Kingdoms?

06:37 How the US Adopted their System of Government

08:54 Sexual Promiscuity: Downfall of All Civilization

12:53 The Calvinist & Lutheran Era

17:20 Numbers 30: Silence Equals Consent

20:24 Consequences of Silence in the Face of Adversity

25:46 Hope for the Future?

28:36 What will be Your Story?

31:50 Conclusion