Breaking NOW! Trucker Convoy Revival at the Border!

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Z Media Team
8 months 1K Views

This live broadcast alerts us about the Trucker convoy and the revival that is taking place at the border. Joseph Z brings in Rod who is reporting live from Dripping Springs, Texas, where the revival is taking place. He allows us the opportunity to see the revival ground and also mentions the servants of God that will be present in this groundbreaking revival. Also, Rod explains what their expectation is at the end of the revival, alerting people about the invasion taking place subtly in our nation while calling on everyone to realize what is going on and lend their voices to securing back our nation.

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Rod also reveals that this revival is about showing the world that the spirit of America is still alive, while also sharing the overall feeling in the revival ground. He informs us that everyone is tired of everything going on in our great nation, disclosing also, that this is about repentance and a battleground for the Holy Spirit. Again, he insists that this is a spiritual warfare, calling out to the Ecclesia to come together for Jesus. He then prays for us all, thanking God for everyone, and praying for protection over all and that God will pour out His spirit upon all souls.Â