The Spirit SHOWED ME VEGAS! Super Bowl DO-OVER Year, TUCKER Wins, King Charles More!—Prophetic Update!

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In this live prophetic update, Joseph Z revisits a few of his past prophecies and shares new insights into them. He begins by recounting his broadcast of April 25, 2023, where he revealed that we would see a brand-new voice of media, exposing that the legacy media will stumble hard, giving rise to a truth media. He further revealed that there will be a great uniting of various platforms because the Lord will release truth to His people. He goes on to his broadcast of February 1, 2024, where he exposed some prophetic insights he has regarding the Super Bowl. Also, he reminds us of his prophecy regarding Las Vegas, and how God revealed some things to him that he believes to be related to things to expect at the Super Bowl event this year. 

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Also, Recall that in Joseph’s New Year's Eve broadcast, he revealed that there’ll be a do-over of 2020 in 2024, and coincidentally, we see a repeat of the program of events of the 2020 Super Bowl, in this year’s event. He exposes that there’s a connotation to Death Star, which is where this year’s Super Bowl event will take place. He makes us realize that there was supposed to be a revival in 2020 which was stifled by the pandemic that befell the world, but destiny can only be delayed and not denied; so to say, that, which was hindered in 2020 will begin to manifest this year. He urges us to pray about this because the containment he witnessed in his Las Vegas vision could be related to the Super Bowl event. He further exposed that Goliath will rise, but there’ll be one more round of opportunity for us to rise against the plans of the enemy. He further warns about more cyber breaches to come, blackouts, and issues with the grid. 

Interestingly, in Joseph’s live broadcast of February 7, 2024, we see that Joe Buck’s statement about the Super Bowl corresponds with what Joseph had earlier seen about Las Vegas because he revealed that “what happens in Vegas will not stay in Vegas”. On the heels of this, he speaks peace and safety over the Super Bowl. Again, he recalls his prophecy of the Queen’s demise and King Charles’ reign, which aired on January 4, 2023. In that same broadcast, he revealed that the sign of the king shows that another shall take his place. He further reveals that Prince William will have his day because there’s a change of a generation upon us. Once more, he insists that this generation is going from a time of grace into a time of mercy, while also revealing what to expect in the next quarters of the year. Additionally, he reveals further what to expect in 2025 and the years after it.