Hold Your Ground! - Red Church

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Z Media Team
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“Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you”.

In Red Church today, Joseph Z guides us into recognizing what we’re called to do and how to hold our ground in that area. He instructs that we’re destined to mature, go higher, and bring light to our generation; referencing the Book of Proverbs 4:18 to elaborate on this. He insists that God has called us to increase, produce, and continue moving forward until we arrive where God has prepared for us. Also, he instructs that being mature in the word of God entails reading the Bible consistently until it influences our conviction, mindset, and moral compass. He further leads us to the Book of John 1:12 to establish that all that have received Christ, to them He gave the right to become sons and daughters of God. 

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Joseph also emphasizes that we can not be a disciple of God without being a student of God’s word, meditating on it until it becomes a part of us. He brings to our understanding that non-disciples believe they can become righteous by doing righteous deeds, however, a believer and disciple of Christ understands that Jesus has paid for everything including our righteousness. In other words, if we’re in Christ Jesus, we are keeping all the commandments of God through Christ Jesus. He also explains that in the covenant of God, we have peace, joy in the holy ghost, and faith because when our faith is activated with the covenant, we overcome the difficulties of this world. 

Reassuringly, Joseph informs us of land transfer anointings, financial miracles, health, and diamond seeds for all those who have held strongly to the Lord despite their trying times. Once more, he makes us realize that God sees our days and sacrifices and will reward us according to our labor and faithfulness. He references the Book of Psalm 73:2-6 to warn against envying the wicked for God will cast them down to ruin. He further asserts that when we sow seeds of righteousness, they come back to us as diamond seeds, and harvests of righteousness to break us free from the world’s difficulties. 


0:00 Introduction

03:31 Proverbs 4:18: The Path of the Righteous

05:26 Maturity in the Word of God

07:18 John 1:12

09:17 Who is a Disciple of God?

14:14 Jesus is the Fulfilment of the Law

21:40 God’s Covenant Blessings

27:12 Land Annointings & Financial Miracles

29:36 Diamond Seeds: What You Need to Know

34:34 Psalm 73: The Fate of the Wicked

52:01 Matthew 6:33: Seek God’s Kingdom First

57:24 Conclusion