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Z Media Team
5 months 753 Views

“The greater the test, the greater the victory; the longer the test, the longer the season of victory”.

In today’s No Limits Q&A session, you’ll learn how to unravel yourself from hell’s economy as the Zs share insights into how they overcame theirs. Joseph shares the word that resonates with him from the Scripture, in the Book of II Thessalonians 3:1, and how it strengthened him to adjust to God's calling. Also, Heather shares how they decided to change their financial situation by giving all they had, which later opened more financial doors and broke them free from poverty. 

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Similarly, Heather makes us understand that giving is a matter of the heart, and it’s not about how much we give but what the amount means to us. She also points out the way to make God rich, which is by bringing back His lost sons and daughters to Him. However, Joseph shares his childhood experience, the many persecutions he received because of God’s calling on his life, and how God came through for him at the end of it all. He references the Book of Mark 10:23-30 to remind us that with God all things are possible, but we must do the difficult for God to do the impossible in our lives. 

Joseph further elaborates on the reward preserved for all those who give up all they have for God’s sake. Also, he points out that our breakthrough in life comes from giving up the things we’re holding onto in life, trusting that God will take care of us in every way necessary. Again, Heather clarifies that we must place a draw on our covenant with Jesus whenever we sow a seed, that is to say, we must fuel our faith by declaring our trust in God’s word to repay in the same measure or more, what we have sown.  


0:00 Introduction

10:02 II Thessalonians 3:1

13:30 How to Breakout of Hell’s Economy

27:01 The Mystery in Giving

37:19 How to Make God Rich

39:28 Joseph’s Inspiring Childhood Experience

41:55 Mark 10:23-30: Giving Up to Go Up

1:06:07 Conclusion