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Z Media Team
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Joseph Z is joined by a special guest on today’s broadcast, and they talk about the Endtimes countdown, the third temple, red heifers, Israel, and the coming millennium. Joseph informs us that we’re close to the “catching away of the saints” while frowning at the recent moves by the Turkish government to stop Israel in their tracks. He enlightens us about Israel’s rule over the earth and the millennium reign of Jesus, revealing that it will be intriguing to witness Jesus rule for a thousand years. He brings understanding to the term, “Babylon the Great”; asserting that it’s more of a system of the world than a specific place or a group of people. 

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Next, he comments on the recent news concerning Red Heifers and its relation to end times. According to the Jewish tradition, it is believed that the Jews can not build their Temple at the Temple Mount unless a red cow is sacrificed to purify the area. Joseph points out that all these happenings are signs that the end is near. He also discloses that the rapture is real and that the body of Christ will be evacuated to reap our reward from Christ and attend the marriage supper of the lamb. 

Again, he asserts that the tribulation timeline can not be altered and the pressure we now feel is to induce us to decide to follow Christ before the end eventually comes. He further reveals that one world government and the antichrist are near, thus, we must prepare ourselves for what’s to come. In conclusion, he informs us that everything is ready for the third temple to be built even though we are unsure of the appointed time.


0:00 Introduction

03:01 Are We Close to Rapture?

05:03 The Hope That’s to Come

06:58 The Millennium Reign of Jesus

09:44 Babylon the Great: What You Need to Know

12:19 The Red Heifers

14:26 The Rapture: What You Need to Know

21:04 Can the Tribulation Timeline be Altered?

24:16 One World Government & Antichrist: Drawing Near?

26:28 The Third Temple: What You Need to Know

28:18 Conclusion