Gideon's 300 - 1 Million for a Billion

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Z Media Team
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In today’s broadcast, Joseph Z reveals again God’s plan to raise the last days, end time reformers; a million clear-minded reformers that’ll harvest a billion. Joseph points out the significance of this with reference to Gideon in the Bible. Gideon's army started with many men but the Lord sifted them until there were only three hundred left; God used few to defeat many. We will again witness the hand of God in using a few to reach many, it’ll be about intercession, and standing in the midst of darkness. He insists further that there’s intervention right now; God is bringing light into darkness and there’s light in Goshen, Goshen is also where we all are. 

Moving on, Joseph recounted his experience atop Pikespeak, where the spirit of God made him understand that this mountain is America's mountain. It was atop this mountain that God revealed the prophetic utterance of “a million for a billion”. He went on to reveal that it’ll take intercession and angelic assistance to accomplish this vision. Although there’s a lot happening, Joseph assures us that God is making a great way for us. He charges us to activate angels by praying in the spirit, so as to find our footing in the Lord. He further reveals that justice will fall on the righteous and the unrighteous alike; God has so much more to give us, and he’ll also take us through this journey.

Again, Joseph Z reveals that there’s a political earthquake coming, but the Lord will bring victory to the scene for all of this evil. He further reveals that there’ll be entrepreneurs to stand up against the gates of hell, and also a great kingly anointing. He insists further that there’s grace with a transitioning anointing, and that the Lord will bring strength and understanding to us. He reassures us that our families will be okay, our lives will shine, and God will make a way for us where there’s no way.

Furthermore, Joseph emphasizes that God is calling us to have the garment of praise in place of the spirit of heaviness; God wants to cut through whatever confusion we feel. He reassures us once more of a great victory ahead and also that the power of God is upon us.

Remember, “On a bad day, you’ve been called to be the best there is”!

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0:00 Introduction

03:40 Last Days

18:15 A Million for a Billion

09:19 Intervention is Here

10:05 Pikes Peak Experience

12:24 Intercession & Angelic Assistance

13:30 Pray in the Spirit

15:10 God is Advancing your Territory

19:01 A Garment of Praise

21:08 Political Earthquake

22:10 Kingly Anointing

22:32 Conclusion

April 5, 2023