What Is True In This Present Age?

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Z Media Team
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In today’s live stream, Joseph Z talks about what is true in this present age and exposes how to defeat the Babylonian system which is a kingdom of darkness. He enlightens us that the Tower of Babel was built by well-organized people, who came together to build something wrong. The Babylonian system is a kingdom, and we should understand that there’s a king in every kingdom; also, a kingdom has a domain, a written document, citizens, laws, rights, cultural norms, a military, an economy, a healthcare system, healing, and education system. Again, he brings to our understanding that a Kingdom is a way of thinking or a way of behaving; when we compare the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness, we can see a variety of differences in the way in which things are done. 

Moving on, Joseph Z teaches us how to break off the Babylonian system. To break out of Babylon, he explains that, we must equip ourselves with God’s word and stand up to challenge societal norms that are not in line with God; also, when we make God the Lord, we’ll begin to see a breakthrough. He went on further to clarify that humanism can be broken through giving, becoming selfless, and being in tune with God’s word. He also enlightens us that Jesus was the first to break out of the Babylonian system, which can be seen in the way that He healed people, and how He put the needs of others in mind before His; what He did is what we’re supposed to be doing. 

Again, Joseph instructs that we can defeat the Babylonian system by being engrossed in the word of God and allowing God’s word to direct our every step until our mindset is completely aligned with God’s way of doing things. He then clarifies that a mindset under the Babylonian system is one which is under the auspices of this present evil age, and God has called us to break out of it. When people shrink in their belief system and deviate from focusing on the word of God, they subscribe to the Babylonian system; as the kingdom of God is not a democracy, but works differently from the humanistic way of doing things.

Furthermore, Joseph reveals that we’re God’s prototype, He wants what is best for us, and He also wants us to stand up and breakthrough in this present time. He assures us that when we renew our minds in the word of God, we will gradually be aligned with God’s purpose for our lives and thence be liberated from the Babylonian system.

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #humanism #kingdomofgod #kingdomofdarkness #prophecy #justice #news 

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0:00 Introduction

03:28 There’s a King in Every Kingdom: Kingdom Make-Up

06:03 Understanding the Kingdom

08:00 Differences Between the Two Kingdoms

09:20 Why Did Christ Come at a Certain Time in History?

10:05 Ancient Babylon: Historic Interpretation

17:48 How Do We Break Out of Babylon?

18:58 How to Break Humanism

19:36 Romans 8:29: Jesus is The First Born

22:31 What We Must Do to Break Out of the Babylonian System

24:28 We’re not Designed to Function in the Babylonian System

26:37 Conclusion


June 06, 2023