How to Thrive During the Last Days!

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Z Media Team
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In today’s live stream, Joseph Z continues with his teaching on surviving a jacked-up world. He referenced the word of God from the book of Luke 12:54-56 to admonish us on our inability to discern the times, and seasons we live in. He went on to instruct us to develop a love for the truth in order to survive the evil age. God placed us here to know the times and seasons, and be able to discern what to do in the present evil age, for he has anointed us to discern the seasons and decipher how we can approach it.

Moving on, Joseph brings to our knowledge that the Lord does not slack in his promises, but he has long-suffering towards us; His will is that everyone should come to repentance, and none should perish. He went on to disclose that the reason why God hasn’t come yet is because he’s holding out for every single person, and wishes for all to be saved. However, we can hasten the coming of the Lord by being godly, doing what we’re called to do, and adhering to the precepts of the Lord. 

Similarly, Joseph Z instructs us to watch and pray, so as to be counted worthy to escape all the difficulties that abound and more to come. He insists once again that we can hasten the coming of God through holiness, and we can also alter the narrative through prayer and steadfastness in the will of God. He then reassures us that we are born to win, survive and thrive in this evil world, for God has given us all that is needed to overcome everything that comes our way. 

Furthermore, Joseph reminds us that we can pray that eminent events don't happen at certain times, alter the timeline of things, and be delivered of the drama that’s coming to the earth. However, we must not grow weary for we shall reap if we do not lose heart. 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #jackedupworld #survival #discerningtimesand seasons #prophecy #justice #news 

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0:00 Introduction

01:40 Why Hasn't God Come Back Yet?

04:21 Discernment of Seasons and Times

05:23 Nothing New Under the Sun

08:09 I Chronicles 12:32: Sons of Issachar

09:49 When Shall We be Rescued From the Present Evil Age?

13:03 2 Peter 3:9: God Doesn’t Slack in His Promise

14:45 God’s Will: All Should Come to Repentance

16:16 How do We Escape the Evil Age Sooner?

20:27 Mathew 24:20: The Great Tribulation

22:25 Alter Imminent Events’ Timing: Luke 21:34-36

24:12 Conclusion


June 29, 2023