Dealing with Abusive Leadership & Scenarios—Walk in Liberty

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“The road to our life’s purpose is embedded in our willingness and obedience to authority, and there’s no blessing in attacking authority, except the authority is in defiance to God”.

In today’s broadcast, Joseph Z teaches about how to receive our breakthrough in life, and why it pleases God when we do the right thing for the right reasons. He warns that doing the right things for all the wrong reasons may get us instant results, but it will take away our opportunity to experience a long-term reward. He also brings our attention to the word of God from the Book of Isaiah 1:17- 19 which instructs us to learn to do good and seek justice. If we’re willing and obedient to authority, we shall eat the good of the land; but if we rebel, we shall be devoured by the sword. 

Moving on Joseph points out that if a leader is unethical, immoral, unrighteous, unholy, and illegal, we are excused to part ways with that leader, but if he has the opposite of these qualities, we must not part ways with the leader. He brings to our knowledge that the way we honor people whether they’re right or wrong determines whether we’ll have our breakthrough in life or not. He charges us to repent from any act of rebellion, even if we’re right in our course. This is because, whatever we sow into our future, we would also reap back; whether good or bad. 

Again, Joseph cautions that we take heed of where we get our information or advice from, for our enemies may use that as an opportunity to destroy us. He advises that we leave evil leaders to the judgment of God and not resort to rebelling against that leader for it will hinder our own breakthrough. He also cautions that whatever we do, be it obedience or rebellion, we’re sowing into our future, and we’ll reap the fruits eventually. 

More importantly, Joseph enlightens us more, insisting that whenever we choose “self” over God’s kingdom, we find ourselves in difficult situations. This is because we’re created to seek the kingdom of God first before everything else, and disobedience to this will cause us to continually be overwhelmed by difficulties we may not know how to come out from. He charges us to become willing and obedient to the voice of God, and leaders around us to continue moving forward. 

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0:00 Introduction

02:53 Isaiah 1:17-20: Learn to do Good

05:00 Fruits of Willingness & Obedience

06:24 Willingness: A Heartbased Issue

09:48 Correction for Rebellion

11:03 No Blessing in Attacking Authority

12:30 Absalom and Achitophel Narrative

14:29 When to Stand with a Leader

15:13 What to do When a Leader is Failing

18:59 The David & Saul Scenario

23:27 Reasons Why We Become Victims of Bad Leadership

26:27 Conclusion