Seeking to understand the science of the last days and your prophetic destiny?
Watch Joseph Z on today’s live broadcast, as he analyzes eschatology, clarifying times and seasons that will come to pass before the second coming of Christ; and also explaining what prophetic destiny is. He explains that it’s been two thousand years since the last days began and that we are in the last of the last days. He further brings to our understanding that we have a prophetic destiny, a God-appointed destiny of what we’re going to do, for the rest of our existence. He clarifies that what we do now and in the future matters and will either speed up the time of grace before the tribulation or slow it down.
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Also, Joseph shares with us what God has called him to do, which is to raise a million clear-eyed and clear-minded reformers to win a billion souls for the kingdom of God. He employs the word of God from the Book of Mathew 25:14 to make us understand that God appoints things for us according to what we have the ability for, and every one of us has a calling that God has mapped out for us for kingdom impartation; which is why it’s important to be with our tribe and be where God wants us to be at all times.
Once more, Joseph clarifies that what we do with the resources that God has blessed us with is part of the kingdom of God, because He wants us to be productive, inventive, and accountable for his gifts to us. He brings to our knowledge that our prophetic destiny is whatever God gave us to be productive in, and His will is to have us double what we have. It is also to produce, create, and leave more than we came with. He then prays for us, asking for boldness, that we be not afraid to go after what God has destined for us.
0:00 Introduction
02:46 The Rapture: What You Need to Know
03:42 Understanding Eschatology
07:04 The Last of the Last Days
08:00 Your Prophetic Destiny
09:38 Joseph’s Angelic Encounter
12:05 Post Sale Anointing
15:15 Mathew 25:14-30: Understanding The Kingdom of God
20:35 Lord I Knew You
29:42 Land Anointing
33:43 Conclusion
Danny Alvarez 1 year
Oil change speaks to me, I recently was baptized again 10/19/23. I listen to the Bible when I sleep, that night was in John as I was falling a sleep I felt oil being poured on my head. Hallelujah!
jim kessler 1 year
i am so blessed to be one in a million
Andrew Herschberger 1 year
Good morning from pa