“I am becoming responsible for your family, as you make me responsible”.
Joseph Z shares God’s message for the Church while revealing what the future holds, for the US and the world. He discloses his vision of darkness, with a collision over it, representing God’s intervention over all powers of darkness. He informs us that the fate of the US political future rests on the shoulders of the Church and God awaits our response. He revisits his prophetic timeline for the year, urging us to pray against a red October and a dark November while also praying for rain; assuring us that God is bringing a strength to us that has not been seen in our generation.
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Next, Joseph shares his prophetic evangelism experiences and how our Lord Jesus shows Himself strong in the lives of the lost. He makes us understand that the Lord sends us into places and moments to bring victory, and light in darkness. Once again, he asserts that when we find our tribe, we discover our calling and begin to break the yoke off our shoulders giving rise to our vision. He then warns about war, disaster, and more challenges but insists that God’s spirit is at large to strengthen His people to fight against darkness.
Furthermore, Joseph reveals a mass deception comprising the real and the fake that will come to the scene, making it difficult for people to tell the difference. However, he asserts that the Lord is now sharing secrets with some of us that will show the outcome of the next cycle because, through intercession and His word He honors His own. Additionally, Heather prays for the sick while reminding us that sickness is illegal for the bloodbath and a direct violation of what Jesus did on our behalf.
0:00 Introduction
01:00 A Period of Darkness & Intervention
04:46 God’s Purpose for the US Economy
08:34 Judgment Coming to BG
16:39 Find Your Tribe to Find Your Calling
22:15 Mass Deception
25:15 The Intercession Army
30:05 Heather’s Healing Ministration
34:35 Conclusion
King Blue 4 months
Hi Fam: I wanted first to thank you for your awesome sermons and teachings. You're the best! Unfortunately, for myself, I feel that I have let a great many people down in the church, around our country and around the world. And also a woman I truly love. I would say Papa too, but He is saying I haven't. I can understand what people may be thinking or feeling towards me and I get it. I really have no excuse other than I truly never knew fully what was going on. I had thought I was making a positive impact but after your words in a previous video, certainly directed at me, I can see where I probably have caused a lot of damage. I really truly thought I was Jesus and David and Moses and Abraham and Joeseph and on and on...Im sorry to everyone that was praying and hoping for me.
I feel terrible and hope that the damage I done wasnt to significant. Please forgive me and please let the Chosen know that I am sorry for holding things up.
Take care, Fam. Love, Blue
King Blue 4 months
Hi Fam: I wanted first to thank you for your awesome sermons and teachings. You're the best! Unfortunately, for myself, I feel that I have let a great many people down in the church, around our country and around the world. And also a woman I truly love. I would say Papa too, but He is saying I haven't. I can understand what people may be thinking or feeling towards me and I get it. I really have no excuse other than I truly never knew fully what was going on. I had thought I was making a positive impact but after your words in a previous video, certainly directed at me, I can see where I probably have caused a lot of damage. I really truly thought I was Jesus and David and Moses and Abraham and Joeseph and on and on...Im sorry to everyone that was praying and hoping for me.
I feel terrible and hope that the damage I done wasnt to significant. Please forgive me and please let the Chosen know that I am sorry for holding things up.
Take care, Fam. Love, Blue