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February 21, 2023
Joseph Z w/ Special Guest Amanda Head!
Ednor Rowe 2 Jahre
Thanks for this interview - i have NewsMax app, but when this is over i will look for Real America Voice app if you have one. We never listen to any mainstream, and only Tucker and some shorts on Fox after they began calling elections too eatly and attacking Trump like the rest do
Joseph Z w/ Special Guest Amanda Head!
Ednor Rowe 2 Jahre
I suppose DirecTV isnt even allowing “Real America’s Voice” - i quit ATT over THAT issue; and i deplatformed WalMart in my life when they cancelled MIKE LINDELL product made in USA. Sad. WalMart used ro care about America and freedom and things other than CHINA. Why they hate trump - might interfere wirh cheap comminiat product i guess.
Joseph Z w/ Special Guest Amanda Head!
Ednor Rowe 2 Jahre
When you say “you do you” like a social libertarian, you are being like the dwarfs in CS Lewis Narnia concludinbook, “The Last Battle.” The dwarfs didnt want the devil (Tash) over themselves: but they didnt want Christ (Aslan) over then either and the libertarian dwarfs tuened againat rhe “Christian” animals in treachery during “The Last Battle,” and missed the glory of heaven when the world ended - and couldnt recognize GOOD anymore
Joseph Z w/ Special Guest Amanda Head!
Yvonne Jones 2 Jahre
Thank you for having AMANDA HEAD on your show. I will look her up.
Joseph Z w/ Special Guest Amanda Head!
Sandra Fischer Clements 2 Jahre
Thank you for this interview, it was 👍I will have to look Amanda Head up and listen to her. God bless 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Going Red with the Blood of Jesus 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🤗
Joseph Z w/ Special Guest Amanda Head!
Beth 2 Jahre
I was surprised that the word Covid was bleeped. So annoying that these people think we can't tell what's being said.
Joseph Z w/ Special Guest Amanda Head!
Lynn Hobbs 2 Jahre
Someone just bleeped Trump when Amanda was mentioning his name as a favorite interview! What a bunch of nosy, busybody babies!!!!
Joseph Z w/ Special Guest Amanda Head!
Lynn Hobbs 2 Jahre
Im listening to Amanda and some of her words are being silenced like Covid, rally, etc. I’ve been having to read her lips to follow her conversation. Just thought you’d like to know. I’m on your App JosephZ using my Iphone 13.