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June 13, 2022
Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:
June 13, 2022
Joseph Z is a passionate teacher and speaker who has devoted his life to helping people deepen their relationship with God. His channel is a rich source of insight and inspiration for anyone seeking to understand the teachings of the Bible and apply them to their daily lives.
One of Joseph's favorite passages is Romans 12:1, which calls on believers to offer their bodies as living sacrifices to God. Joseph explains that this means surrendering our own will and desires to God and allowing Him to work through us to accomplish His purposes.
Joseph also emphasizes the importance of spiritual renewal, which he believes is a continual process of transformation. By renewing our minds and hearts, we can break free from negative thought patterns and destructive behaviors and experience the abundant life God intends for us.
Central to Joseph's teaching is the idea of living in the Spirit, which he believes is essential for true fulfillment and joy. He often references Romans 8:1 and 8:2, which speak of the freedom and power that come from living in the Spirit.
Joseph also teaches that the flesh is a way of thinking that leads to sin and separation from God. He draws on Proverbs 25:2 and Deuteronomy 29:29 to illustrate the importance of seeking God's wisdom and understanding rather than relying on our own limited perspective.
For Joseph, the first step in the process of transformation is to surrender to God and allow Him to work in our hearts and minds. By doing so, we can experience the fullness of life and peace God intends for us.
In conclusion, Joseph Z's channel offers a wealth of insight and practical wisdom for anyone seeking to deepen their relationship with God and live a life of purpose and meaning. His teaching is grounded in a deep understanding of the Bible and a passion for helping people discover the transformative power of God's love.
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0:00 Introduction
1:02 Romans 12:1
1:17 Living Sacrifice
3:38 Renewal
5:54 Life in the Spirit
6:40 Romans 8:1
8:03 Romans 8:2
9:24 Death, Life, and Escape
14:28 Flesh is a way of Thinking
17:35 Proverbs 25:2
20:04 Deuteronomy 29:29
22:28 First Step of Transformation
23:25 Conclusion
March 7, 2023
Joseph Z enlightens us about time-altering, in today’s prophetic live broadcast. He informs us that God seeks a church and a people who will cooperate with Him to the point that they could alter time. He demands our cooperation to rise and shine in the middle of the present evil age. He also brings to mind the Biblical scenario where Joshua commanded the sun to stand still to give the Israelites more time to defeat their enemies. He cites many other biblical characters who altered time.
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Next, Joseph makes us realize that God has given us the power to alter things, just as He led Abraham into His plans concerning Sodom and Gomorrah; where Abraham interceded for the people and inquired from God if He would please spare the city if He finds at least ten righteous people in it. This proves how delighted God finds mediators and intercessors; thus God demands our cooperation at this time, to alter the narrative in this generation.
Joseph further cites Colossians 2:13-15 to explain that God has already made a public spectacle of the powers of darkness and the guilt that held us bound because of the law, triumphing over them by the cross. He also explains that the law came to declare everyone guilty, but Jesus came and set us free from the guilt of the law; therefore, there’s no condemnation for all those in Christ Jesus.
0:00 Introduction
01:48 Time Altering: What You Need to Know
08:35 Let There Be Light!
13:12 God Appreciates a Mediator
15:34 What are You doing to Alter the Narrative?
16:27 Colossians 2:13-15
22:59 Conclusion
In this live broadcast, Joseph Z exposes the ancient evil at CERN, and the portals to hell that their activities over there in Geneva Switzerland are creating. He begins by explaining the meaning, and purpose of CERN which is the creation of portals to other dimensions. This is further analyzed with the word of God taken from the Book of Revelation 9:1-13 which warns us about what to expect during the last days. It may interest you to know that: the CERN logo is three sixes intertwined, the statue of a Hindu god is displayed in front of the CERN headquarters, and it is also the birthplace of the World Wide Web (www).
Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below: https://linktr.ee/zministries
Moving on, Joseph continues to expose more intriguing hidden facts about CERN; sharing also a video clip of a demonic celebration going on at CERN in honor of the opening of a tunnel. It’s interesting to note that, this said celebration looks like an act of worship to a demonic entity. He then questions the relationship between this horrific religious ritual that took place at CERN to science which they have managed to make everyone believe they are into. Another bizarre video clip surfaces, showing what we believe to be a cult ceremony, at the end of which a human was stabbed in the form of a sacrifice to a deity.
More intriguing is another image Joseph shared about a peculiar portal-shaped formation seen over at CERN, during their awake experiment. He went further to expose some areas in America where there are also large hedge-drone colliders, believed to be associated with CERN. Again, he further reveals that China is building a 62-mile super collider in semblance to what is seen at CERN headquarters but much larger than what we have at CERN at present. One would wonder about the bizarre obsession with this supposed piece of scientific facility. In addition, he reveals that the real activity going on at CERN is the creation of portals to other dimensions, which he likened to witchcraft.
Furthermore, as we’ve been taught previously in one of Joseph’s broadcasts, witchcraft is a sin of rebellion, and was what Nimrod did with the Tower of Babel. More interestingly, the meaning of the name Nimrod is “we rebel”, and he strongly believes that what’s happening at CERN today is the same thing that Nimrod attempted to do. Again, he believes that all of these activities at CERN have a lot to do with the UFOs, weather, AI, and strange Tech which he warned us about in one of his prophecy broadcasts. He urges us not to forget that Jesus is Lord, and none of these activities stand up to the name of Jesus. He then pleads the blood of Jesus over us all and our various families.
0:00 Introduction
01:50 CERN: Scientific Facility or Religious Cult?
04:32 CERN & the Bible
09:15 Revelation 9:1-13: Last Days Events
13:20 The Bottomless Pit & CERN
16:18 CERN Occult Connections
20:40 The Goat Man: Relationship with CERN
22:19 Demonic Video of CERN’s Celebration of a Tunnel
29:45 Satanic Human Sacrifice at CERN’s Shiva Statue?
32:54 Portals & CERN’s New Awake Experiment
38:10 Another Super Collider in China?
41:28 Conclusion
#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #portalstohell #witchcraft #towerofbabel #news
In this live broadcast, Joseph Z and Pastor Bob Yandian analyze the times we’re in, throwing more light on the end times and what to expect. Pastor Bob reveals that he sees the world close to the coming of Jesus Christ, what with all the happenings around us and in the world at large. He goes on to bring more understanding into the eschatological discourse, exposing that, first was the age of innocence, and we saw how God introduced sacrifices before the coming of Jesus, as a means for men to atone for their sins. After the collapse of the innocence dispensation, there came the conscience dispensation where every man did what was right in their own eyes, to the age of Noah, the tower of Babel, and then the dispensation of promise.
Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below: https://linktr.ee/zministries
Moving on, Pastor Bob unfolds that the Jewish nation is the only nation that was started with an act of God, and every other one came from Adam. He goes on to divulge that the age of promise leads us to the time of the captivity in Egypt and to the dispensation of the law which lasted until the time Jesus rose from the dead. Then forty days after His resurrection came the church age, which is called the mystery, and the purpose of the mystery is to allow the church to do everything as Christ has commanded them. Also, Pastor Bob went on to unravel the mystery of rapture, explaining that the great commission was first given to the Israelites in the Old Testament before it was handed down to the church on the day of the Pentecost, and when the church goes up, it will again be given back to Israel.
More interestingly, pastor Bob continues to enlighten us, revealing that we’re not the bride of Christ yet until we are all purified of our sins and found worthy of the groom. He went further to expose that the church age is the best until the millennium. He further explains that there will be no devil or demons in the age of the millennium, and unbelievers will be gone from the earth, as well as, all fallen angels. Again, he disclosed that in the millennium age, the saved will have the resurrection body, and will go anywhere they wish, not by the speed of light but at the speed of thought.
Furthermore, Joseph and pastor Bob echoed that in Eternity's future, we will rule and reign with Christ. There will also be no satan as he will be in the lake of fire, and there will be no more evangelism as sinners will be no more. He further explains that towards the end of the millennium, heaven will rest over the earth, and there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Pastor Bob also went further to explain the church’s role in the present dispensation, exposing also that the antichrist will not reveal himself until the church is gone from the earth. He urges us to keep our eyes on the word of God and his promises, praying also for salvation for all those who wish to give their lives to Christ.
0:00 Introduction
03:00 Understanding Dispensations Before Christ
05:28 The Church Age: Understanding the Mystery
08:19 The Rapture: A Part of the Mystery?
09:00 Understanding the Rapture
11:27 Proselytes: Meaning
11:55 When Did the Great Commission begin?
13:07 The Battle of Armageddon
14:48 Understanding the Millenium
17:34 Understanding Eternity’s Future
21:20 The Church’s Roles
23:32 Conclusion
#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #endtimes #raptureexplained #anewheavenandearth #news
“Good people don’t go to Heaven, Saved people do”.
In today’s live broadcast, Joseph Z talks about the new apostasy, heresy, national alert system, and depopulation agenda. He shares a clip of Andy Stanley, one of the leading voices in the public church space, denying the authority of the scripture, and undermining the foundations of the word of God. He explains that whenever anyone begins to defy the authority of the Scripture, they’re headed on the path of heresy. He then condemns the actions of Andy Stanley because he believes he’s going out of line, and cares more about connecting with people on an emotional level, rather than telling them the truth. He again condemns how people try to hold onto their sins, expecting God to accept them, instead of coming to God in repentance of them.
Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below: https://linktr.ee/zministries
Moving on, Joseph points out once more, the heretic behavior of Andy Stanley and condemns his actions because he is violating the fundamentals of our faith and misleading people with his teachings. He goes on to warn people to desist from following this fellow, as he is teaching a false doctrine; reminding us that it is wrong to go beyond what is written, as this is encouraging perversion in the church. He went on to assert that unless he repents, he’s a heretic and an apostate. However, he prays for him, that he may turn away from the path he’s toeing and come back to Christ once more.
Moreso, Joseph discusses the October alert system, revealing that events like this are precursors to a real event that won’t be announced. He goes on to ask that we stay in faith, and not let our hearts be troubled, because good news is on the way in spite of all that is going on. Again, he urges us to take care of ourselves and stay in peace and in faith. In addition to this, he shares a video clip of the depopulation agenda, making us understand that these people never volunteer to test their plans on themselves, but prefer to use others as guinea pigs for their ridiculous demonic agendas.
Further into this broadcast, Joseph reveals that there’s hope coming, in the middle of all that’s happening all over the nation. He shares a vision he had about breakthroughs for us all, in the areas of deliverance, finances, promotion, politics, disclosures, and more levels of freedom. He insists that we will witness angelic assistance, ushering in health, and healing. He then reminds us that Jesus wants us to win more than we do, and to achieve this, we must embrace the word of God. Just as Galatians 1:3-4 reminds us, it is the will of God to be delivered from this present evil age. He prays that the peace of God be bestowed upon us all and our various families.
0:00 Introduction
04:21 Andy Stanley: Apostasy?
05:27 Good People Don't Go to Heaven
10:10 What Makes One an Apostate?
11:41 Can You Have A Certain Lifestyle and Be a Believer?
16:29 Joseph’s Rebuke of Andy’s Conduct
24:12 We must Stand in the Word of God
25:20 The October Alert System
33:49 Depopulation
41:04 Hope in the Horizon
43:59 Angelic Assistance
46:42 Prayer & Conclusion
#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #apostasy #nationalalertsystem #depopulation #news
“And they overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony”.
On today’s Full Disclosure, Joseph Z is in the studio with special guests, Pastor Mark Cowart, and Brother Kamal Saleem. Kamal begins by making us realize that we’re in the season where God is changing everything. He narrates the story of Abraham, Sarah, and Haggai; revealing how Ishmael and Isaac came to be and the events that led to the exile of Haggai and her son Ishmael. He goes on to disclose that Ishameal’s hand was against all his brothers because he felt deserted and abandoned, but God, seeing his despair, heard his cry for help. In like manner, he reveals that the Muslims are crying all over the world, and God has created a portal in eternity over Ishmaelites because God is fulfilling his promise by creating one new humanity to remove the hostility between the two sons of Abraham, who are now known as Jews and Gentiles.
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Recall that Joseph had earlier revealed a vision he saw regarding three angels named red, white, and blue standing over the United States, which Kamal confesses to having the privilege of witnessing in his dreams. This vision led Joseph to believe that the faith of Israel is tied to the US and this lays credence to all that Kamal has explained about the sons of Abraham who have been at loggerheads for thousands of years now. Kamal proceeds further, revealing that what will complete the bride of Christ is when the sons of Abraham come together, which will be the sign of the end of time, while also alerting us that the fullness of time is upon us. Interestingly, Kamal shares his story as a jihadist, narrating how he was indoctrinated from childhood about who he is supposed to be and what his actions should be towards the non-believers of his faith.
More interestingly, Kamal discloses that the Muslim Brotherhood is the most radical Muslim organization on earth and that 99% of terrorist organizations spring from the Muslim Brotherhood. He also reveals that women and children are commodities in Islam, because of this, a lot of children were used as instruments to perpetrate terrorist acts against Israel because the sect is aware that Israel does not kill children but protects them. Surprisingly, we will come to learn from Kamal, that if a husband does not make it to heaven in Islam, the blame is put on the woman. Again, Kamal shares how he was in the middle of the battle and almost died except a man dressed in white with holes in his feet and hands rescued him, and shielded him from death. He further clarifies that we do not worship the same God as Islam because there’s a glaring difference between God and the god of Islam.
Additionally, Kamal shares a testimony about how twenty-four Muslims came to Christ in one day. He also makes us realize that so many times we do not understand who our God is until we go to battle, and on the battlefield, we will find him there. He reveals how the US is the target for terrorism because according to jihadists, Israel can not be destroyed unless the US is destroyed. More importantly, he makes us realize that not all Muslims are bad because many of them are lost and seeking the one true God who would rescue them and give them new hope. Kamal then prays that the glory of God will be upon us, that we will be the prophets, the teachers, and evangelists of this age, that God will give us boldness, and that wherever we go, the glory of God will be upon us to expose the darkness.
It’s another interesting episode of Full Disclosure, and today, Joseph Z and Mary delve into the Nephilim, and Giants discourse. He also throws more light into the times and seasons; exposing that we may be in the days of Noah, and as such we must pay attention to everything happening around us, as they may be warning us about what’s to come. He begins by sharing a clip showing an incident that took place in Miami Florida, where a few young people were involved in a stick fight, which surprisingly got the attention of heavily armed and armored policemen to the scene. Mary reacts to this clip, believing that the response this incident got from the authorities proves there’s more to this than meets the eye. Recall that in the New Year's Eve broadcast, Joseph warned that the word, “Nephilim” will become rampant in the culture. He further nudges our mind back to the reason why the world was destroyed during the days of Noah and expresses great concern that if what we saw in the clip is indeed a Nephilim, that would mean, we’re already in the days of Noah.
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More interestingly, Joseph shares an eyewitness account of what happened in Miami and how this witness described the event as paranormal because the shadows he saw were nothing like humans. However, Joseph cautions that we discern these happenings and not take them hook, line, and sinker, because God had earlier revealed to him there will be false flag events, designed to deceive the people. He then leads us to the Books of Luke 17:26 and Matthew 24:37, to enlighten us more, because God has warned that as the days of Noah, so also will it be, in the days of the son of man. On the other hand, Joseph brings in L. A. Marzulli to throw more light on the Nephilim discourse. He confirms what Joseph had earlier mentioned, that the days of the son of man will be like the days of Noah, with the presence of the Nephilim. He further brings to our attention that a giant has been reportedly found on Santa, Catalina Island.
Furthermore, Joseph reassures us, reminding us that despite everything manifesting in our physical world, we must remember that every knee must bow in the name of Jesus and every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Nonetheless, Mary observes that these events that suddenly emerged may be a distraction from the real issue, and Joseph agrees with this, warning us once more about false flags which he had earlier revealed will be the order of the day this year. He further asserts that the veil will be pulled back and all those who have been engineering this evil will begin to be exposed. He concludes with a prayer, declaring clarity, increase, and divine favor over our lives. He further commands the spirit of fear to be broken, for, greater is He in us than he that is in the world. Moreso, Mary shares how to combat the spirit of fear in our lives, and prays that everyone who’s under the influence of fear will be set free. In addition, Joseph prophesies about a nuclear submarine dropped into the water, which he believes is armed for serious activities; but he prays against this and speaks order into this situation.
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