In today’s prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z alerts us about the recent happenings in the political circle while sharing some of his past prophecies that have been fulfilled. He recalls his past broadcast of July 16, 2024, where he exposed the political agenda of the enemies of this nation and how willing they are to stage evil against their own, just to have their way. Also, he revisits his past prophecy of July 20, 2022, where he revealed that there would be more images and signs of the Statue of Liberty in the news soon. Interestingly, we see a fulfillment of this prophecy as a recent piece of news reveals that a meteor or what looks like a fireball appeared directly above Lady Liberty. Recall also that Joseph had earlier prophesied on August 18th, 2022, that an attempt would be made on the life of the former president of the US that would be blamed on Iran. Sadly, we have also seen a fulfillment of that.
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Next, Joseph reveals in his past broadcast of December 12, 2023, that if we go into conflict with Iran, the word, “Decapolis”(ten cities burning) will come to manifestation. He exposes that we will begin to see difficulties in cyber and more propaganda related to this field. Also, he revisits his latest interview where he disclosed his vision about a “Paul Revere” anointing coming tremendously while sharing that a shot will be heard worldwide; marking the beginning of the great shaking, creating a redemptive instability that will birth light and life. Again, he recalls his broadcast of June 4, 2024, where he shares his vision of a newspaper headline that reads, “God Saved America”.
Furthermore, Joseph shares his vision of the year’s timeline, particularly in the political arena, urging us to pray against a red October and a dark November while also praying for rain. Once more, he shares that the Lord is rightsizing the prophetic in this season while reminding us of his vision of a time of darkness for the US and of a storm with a shelter in the middle where everyone who ran to it was safe. He assures us further that America has one more round; urging the church to rise like the sons of Issachar, who discerned the signs of the time, knew what to do about it, and were aligned with the right people to accomplish it.
In addition, he further exposes an extension of time that would lead to some candidates running out of time, leading to a release of a plan in the semblance of an incident that will be an attempt to create compassion, thereby flipping the attention over to DNC. He then brings our attention to the attention that would be focused on Chicago, where the individuals involved would be willing to stage evil against their own. He also believes there would be an uncovering to expose evil and redemption of some things in the Soviet Union. He further reassures us that God will make a way amid the economic crisis that will soon hit the scene.
0:00 Introduction
02:18 Joseph’s Past Prophecy on Trump
08:10 Iran & their Infamous Agenda
11:14 The Paul Revere Anointing
14:30 God Saved America: Redemptive Instability
21:00 The Year’s Timeline & US Political Future
28:55 Rightsizing in the Prophetic & The Time of Darkness
33:56 One More Round & Message for the Church
37:15 Time Extension & Counterfeit Mercy
41:49 A Year of Do-Overs
55:23 Conclusion
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“I see all, I know all, and I have heard the prayers of my people”.
Discover the future of America in today’s prophetic broadcast, as Joseph Z shares his vision about future events that will lead to a new, different America. He informs us about God’s plan to use redemptive instability to answer the prayers of His people; urging us to have no fear but enter these times with joy for there will be a good conclusion at the end. He recalls his past prophecy of August 23, 2022, where he prophesied that a shepherd would be struck in a bid to disperse the sheep, but it would not be so, rather, it would be a multiplier of people accumulating into a roar; an action that produces life.
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Next, Joseph revisits his live prophetic broadcast of August 18, 2022, where he shares his vision about the attempt that would be made on the life of the former president of America, which will be blamed on another nation. Again, he recalls his live broadcast of June 4, 2024, where he revealed his vision showing a Newspaper headline that reads “God Saved America”. He also takes us back to his broadcast of July 14, 2024, where he informs us that God will intervene in the affairs of this country, and as Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, the sun will stand still once more for our sake. He further reveals a resurgence of economic standing after a shaking, pushing back the electric agenda, and a potential to return to a gas and oil-based economy.
Joseph further urges us not to fear because we’re not born of fear but of Zion, assuring us that tribes will rise to a movement turning into a roar and the roar will result in more than imagined. He also informs us that God has heard our prayers, but we must not grow fainthearted in this season of darkness for we will outrun our enemy in the rain, and the ray of the sunshine shall return. He exposes that a new form of media will emerge to break the back of institutionalism; alongside an exposure that will bring out the hidden agenda of wicked elites. In addition, he informs us that whatever happens next is in the church’s hands, urging us to cooperate with God to get the work done.
0:00 Introduction
01:43 The Struck Shepherd
02:33 Joseph’s Past Prophecy on Trump
04:18 God Saved America: Redemptive Instability
08:52 The Attack will Turn to a Comeback
12:04 I have Heard Your Prayers
13:13 A New For of Media & Exposure
14:39 This is not the End!
21:02 The New America: Conclusion
Today on the prophetic live broadcast, Joseph and Heather Z share prophetic insights as captured by Daystar TV. Joseph recalls his past prophecy where he revealed the attempt that would be made on the life of one of the US presidential candidates. He also reminds us of his earlier warning about new characters being introduced in the political arena, which we recently witnessed with the abdication of the US president from the presidential race.
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Next, Joseph reminds us that this year is a year of do-overs, hence, we must cooperate with God for things to turn out as they should have years back. Joni agrees with this, urging us to pray for our nation and leaders, to alter timelines for the birth of a new beginning. Also, Joseph informs us that prophetic revelations are not supposed to terrify but enlighten us, and as such, we must continue to read God’s word to prepare and fortify ourselves for the battle ahead. Once more, Joseph shares their prophetic visit to Noah’s Ark, where God revealed that He would rescue the US at great cost through redemptive instability.
Again, Joseph urges us to have no fear because God is with us and is making a way amidst the difficulties and challenges. Also, he informs us about what we must do as a church to overcome these times; firstly, discern the times we are in, what to do about it, and get aligned with the right people to accomplish it. Interestingly, he analyzes the year’s timeline, events to expect in the political arena, and what to expect in the coming years till 2028. He further informs us there will be a time of darkness and a storm where everyone who runs to it will be safe, leading to a time of revival and reformation that will birth a new, different America.
Additionally, he discloses that the answer to the nation’s economic woes will be oil while informing us that there is an extension of mercy because the church is here. He then assures us that justice is coming and we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living because the Lord will provide for us. Furthermore, he assures us that the Lord will take us to the other side of things because of the prayers of the righteous; for the rain will fall on the just and unjust for the church’s sake. In conclusion, he reminds us that greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world while urging us to have no fear, for the Lord is with us.
0:00 Introduction
01:01 Joseph’s Past Prophecy on Trump’s Assassination
03:59 The US Politics: New Characters
06:19 A Year of Do-Overs
12:09 Joseph’s Visit to Noah’s Ark
14:14 God Saved America!
16:01 Fear Not!
18:21 What to do at this Time
21:32 Redemptive Instability
24:12 Answer to Economic Issues
28:32 Redemption in the Prophetic
30:59 Conclusion
“As He is, so are we in this world”.
Learn the secret to spiritual warfare in today’s live broadcast, as Joseph Z opens our eyes of understanding, to the natural and spiritual phenomena. He informs us that the natural which comprises our five senses, comes before the spiritual. He explains that faith is when we act on the word of God while grace is what Christ did for us on the cross of Calvary.
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Also, he explains that we reap a supernatural reaction when we do anything in the natural by faith. Interestingly, he reveals that reading our Bible and praying in tongues are the best ways to grow in the spirit. Again, he insists that reading the Bible and praying in tongues are the ways to activate our spiritual gifts and it also heightens one of the four prophetic flows, Chozeh.
Joseph further explains that when we start to know who we are in Christ, we will walk into a room and our presence will demand an explanation. He also clarifies that wielding our spiritual gifts becomes easier when we acknowledge our identity in Christ. He then concludes by reminding us that Jesus loves us more than we can fathom, and wants us healed, and to move in the fullness of what he has for us; for as He is, so are we in this world.
0:00 Introduction
02:39 Understanding the Natural & Spiritual
05:04 Faith & Grace: Meaning
09:15 How to Grow in the Spirit
13:09 Activating Your Spiritual Gifts
30:07 Prophetic Healing & Declarations
32:01 Conclusion
On today’s No Limit Q&A session, Joseph Z features special guest, Pastor Paul Renner. Pastor Paul shares details of their visit to Noah’s Ark, revealing that the Ark landed in the surrounding area of the mountains of Ararat. Not specifically at the top of the mountain, because the mountain is younger than the Ark. Surprisingly, we learn that the Ark landed in Eden, depicting how God started all over again, exactly where the creation of man began.
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Moving on, Pastor Paul describes the very first settling after the landing of the Ark, which is between the borders of Iraq and Turkey with carvings of exotic animals on the wall. He also describes the Altar stone where the first sacrifice was made after Noah and his family exited the Ark. It’s also the same place where Noah saw the rainbow and God sealed His covenant of not destroying the world with flood again; hence providing a comforting sign for the people whenever it rains.
Furthermore, Pastor Paul clarifies that there’s a timing involved in the Ark being rediscovered, it was God’s way of reminding us that Noah’s story is real and as such we must pay attention because there’s a significance in its rediscovery. He further questions what could have happened to people who were not present at the Tower of Babel, and Joseph responds, revealing that the incident could have created a ripple effect worldwide in a way that everyone was affected by the language change.
In addition, he enlightens us about Gobekli Tepe which is one of the archaeology sites that proves that there was something that happened before Adam and some advanced technologies were used during their time to build the Stonehenge type of facility before we had the technology to do it; backing up the argument that there is a rediscovery of the technology we know today.
0:00 Introduction
01:54 Noah’s Ark: What You Need to Know
13:45 Noah’s Ark: The Landing Spot
15:38 Noah’s Ark: The Altar Stone
25:27 Noah’s Ark: First Sighted in 1948
27:50 Fate of the People not Present at the Tower of Babel
29:56 Gobekli Tepe: Technology Pre-Adam
39:58 Conclusion
On today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z features Pastor Todd Coconato, and they respond to questions and concerns regarding the prophetic. Joseph shares why he wrote his recently published book, “Demystifying the Prophetic”, a well-detailed bestselling piece that unveils all the mysteries surrounding the prophetic. He acknowledges that the prophetic is a beautiful gift from God, but has been susceptible to many superstitions. He reveals that without the word of God applied to the prophetic, we end up in error because the Bible has warned that we must not go beyond what is written. He insists that God’s word is there to rightsize our five senses, as written in God’s word from the Book of Hebrews 5:14, for, without God’s word, one is destined for error.
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Next, Joseph references the Book of Ephesians 4:11-12 to teach that the office of the prophet is here for the edifying and equipping of the body of Christ. On the other hand, Pastor Todd discloses that prophecies must be according to God’s word, bear witness in our spirit, and must not be something new most of the time, but even when it is, to ensure that God grants a confirmation of that prophecy. Also, Joseph makes us understand the differences between modern prophecy and psychics, clarifying that there is a difference between the Old and New Testament prophets. This further reveals that Jesus established a new covenant at His coming, fulfilled the law, and everybody began to hear the voice of God, but that was not so in the Old Testament.
Again, Joseph explains that there are fake psychics and ones that are naturally gifted from birth, but deferred from the path that God carved for them, thus they become susceptible to evil spirits who take charge of their gifting. He further clarifies that psychics are false prophets, but the difference between psychics and the office of the prophetic is the foundation and the spirit driving the gift. He further explains how to hear from God, revealing that one who desires to hear from God must read the word of God consistently, be filled with God’s spirit, and release oneself to speaking in tongues.
Additionally, he outlines the differences between the office and the gifting of prophecy, revealing that the office of the prophet is a responsibility to edify and equip the Body of Christ with prophecy, teaching, and training while the gift of prophecy is for every believer; for the testimony of Jesus is the gift of prophecy. In conclusion, he analyzes the four types of prophetic flows, Roeh, Nabi, Chozeh, and Chazah while condemning the act of charging money for prophecy.
0:00 Introduction
01:36 Prophetic Gifting & God’s Word
05:09 Hebrews 5:14: Exercise Your Senses
07:19 Ephesians 4:11-12
09:56 Modern Prophecy & Psychics
14:04 Demonic Prophecy & Its Purpose
19:15 Was Agabus a False Prophet?
20:39 How to Hear the Voice of God
23:43 The Office & Gift of Prophecy: Differences
26:39 Different Types of Prophetic Flows
30:36 Conclusion
On Red Church today, Joseph Z and Pastor Josh teach about maturity in righteousness, and what we can do to mature in the righteousness of God. They started with the word of God taken from the Book of Hebrews 5:1-11, which highlights the compassion of God on those who are ignorant and going astray; while also acknowledging the priestly call of our Lord Jesus. Joseph points out how obedient Christ remained through the pains and suffering he bore for our sake; highlighting this virtue as a quality every Christian must possess. Josh supports this, recalling his experience as a missionary, and how he walked in the obedience of God even when the journey became difficult.
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Moving forward, Joseph makes us understand that through obedience, Christ became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey him. He clarifies that obedience means aligning with God’s words, calling, and promises. He also points out that believers can become dull, and the only way to avoid this dullness is by praying in the spirit and reading the word of God until it starts talking back to us. On the other hand, Josh brings to our understanding that having a revelational knowledge of God’s forgiveness makes us remain compassionate toward those around us. As well, Joseph urges us to hate what God hates, and love what God loves; we can only know what God hates and loves through His word.
In like manner, Josh points out the importance of gazing upon the Lord instead of gazing upon our sins. Further, Joseph informs us that being unskilled in the righteousness of God makes us lose our identity in Christ Jesus, but being skilled in righteousness is having a grasp of the gift God gave us through Christ Jesus, and also identifying with it. Josh also echoes his support for this, revealing that wearing the righteousness of God erases the need to do more, and try harder, but rather rest in the finished work of Christ for us.
More importantly, Joseph explains that we can not move God with our fasting and our righteous deeds because God has already granted us His righteousness through His son’s death on the cross; that is to say, we can not earn our righteousness because we’re unworthy. What God expects from us is to receive the righteousness He has already paid for us through His son Jesus. Pastor Josh concludes with a prayer, asking that God reveals himself to those who are yet to accept the righteousness He offered us through His son Jesus, so that we may all encounter the goodness of God in our lives.
0:00 Introduction
04:16 Hebrews 5:1-6
07:04 Christ: A Priest Forever in Melchizedek’s Order
08:23 Obedience: Necessary Virtue for Loving God
12:29 Understanding Obedience in Christ
14:47 Dullness of Believers
17:02 How to Hear the Voice of God
20:40 Understanding Compassion
22:46 Righteousness: Meaning
28:47 What Righteousness is Not
41:55 Prayer & Conclusion
End of content
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