Learn how to live and walk by faith in today’s live broadcast, as Joseph Z and Jeremy Pearsons share insights into faith. Jeremy instructs that faith is a constant expectation of the good yet to come. While grace is God speaking to us, it reveals the great love of Christ for us but requires a faith response to be activated in our lives because faith is the only appropriate response to grace.
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He further explains that faith begins by hearing and how we respond is where faith comes into question, for where there’s no response indicates no honor. He leads us to the Book of Mark 3:1-5 to remind us about how the man with the withered hand was healed, how he responded to the command of Jesus to stretch out his hands which led to his healing after he stretched out his hands. In other words, his response of stretching out his hands was an act of faith on his part, which made him whole. Recall that Christ always attributes his healings to the faith of the ones He healed and not His own; such was also the case in the woman with the issue of blood.
Additionally, Jeremy leads us to understand that if there’s no power in our words, we are far from being born again because when we speak, there should be a power response. He then prays that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened, that we may know the hope of our calling.
0:00 Introduction
08:18 The Two Phases of Change
09:54 Understanding Faith
10:58 Understanding Grace
12:06 Are All Men Living Under Grace?
12:40 Faith: The Appropriate Response to Grace
13:50 Our Faith Makes Us Whole
18:43 Mark 3:1-5
21:24 No Response, No Honor
22:48 Without Faith, It’s impossible to Please God
26:17 Conclusion
In our Faith series today, Joseph Z and Jeremy Pearson guide us further into how to step into faith. Jeremy acknowledges that so much has been said about faith and grace, however, faith goes beyond the belief in God’s existence. Not only is it a belief in the existence of God, but also that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Also, he explains that our walk of faith is continuous, and should be seen in every decision we make throughout our lifetime on earth.
Again, he leads us to the Book of Hebrews 11:1, which defines faith as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Moreover, he interprets hope to mean expectation; revealing also that faith is the foundation for hope, which is an expectation. Interestingly, he brings to our understanding that Abel’s offering to God was accepted because he offered his gifts by faith but Cain did not.
Jeremy insists further that faith is a continuous walk with God, for without faith it’s impossible to please God, and those who come to God must know that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. He then prays for everyone at crossroads, that the wisdom of God will fill their hearts, to guide them towards the right direction.
0:00 Introduction
05:38 Believe that God is!
06:48 Walking by Faith
08:13 Hebrews 11:1: What is Faith?
09:06 Biblical Interpretation of Hope
12:00 Why was Abel’s Offering Accepted?
15:00 The Results of Living by Faith
17:46 Faith is a Walk with God
21:26 Benefits of the Word of God
22:15 Conclusion
Would you rather be right or righteous?
It’s a new episode of our Faith series, and today, Joseph Z and Jeremy Pearsons enlighten us on how to receive from God. Jeremy references the Book of Proverbs 4:20 to explain how wisdom stands at the intercession of life, requiring us to decide the right path to take. He clarifies that God placed his wisdom amidst the noisiness associated with the intercession of life, thus, we find it within us if we pay attention to what matters. He charges us to make an effort to tune out all the noise, to hear what the word of God is saying.
Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:
In like manner, Jeremy reminds us that God’s words are life while urging us to guard our hearts with all diligence, because out of it comes all the issues of life. He cautions us to be wary of the pressures of life because they can drive us away from Jesus; hence, we must guard our hearts to keep them from being overwhelmed by the pressures of life. On the other hand, Joseph makes us realize that most people who are very critical are led by a demonic spirit, that seeks to destroy all those who give in to their subtle acts of deception.
Further, Joseph warns about being carnal with the word of God, that is, reading the word, not for the sake of its transforming power, but as a tool to show one’s knowledge in arguments. In like manner, Jeremy instructs that we question the motive behind our critical behaviors, deliberating on whether we want to be right or righteous in the sight of God. He then urges us to identify the authorities God has placed in our lives and acknowledge them for our protection.
0:00 Introduction
01:53 Proverbs 4:20
03:26 The Intercession of Life & God’s Wisdom
07:46 Keep God’s Word in Your Heart
11:03 Guard Your Heart with all Diligence
11:28 Be Wary of the Pressures of Life
14:10 Reading the Bible Carnally & Spiritually
16:55 Would You Rather be Right or Righteous?
23:14 Understanding Submission & Faith
26:03 Conclusion
“For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told”.
Joseph Z alerts us about a worldwide wake-up call in today’s live broadcast. He informs us that the Lord is speaking to us at this time; leading us to the Book of Habakkuk 1:5 to remind us of God’s promise about doing something in our days that we would not believe, even if we were told. He reveals what to expect in the coming quarters of the year while asserting that he also sees an open door for many of us. Again, he discloses that this year represents fire or Nineveh and the narrative can only be changed if the nations repent to repair.
Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:
Similarly, he shares what he sees for our political timeframe, revealing that new characters will be introduced which could portend a conflict during the electoral season that could only be averted by prayer. Interestingly, he informs us that there will be an exposing of agreements and an unraveling of wicked plans while insisting that May will be pivotal. Also, he asserts that money conversations will be witnessed around the quarters of the year leading up to the next year.
However, Joseph insists that in the middle of all that will take place, is a wake-up call that the Lord will instigate for so many. He further exposes that there will be cyber, black swan, zombie, and sky issues, followed by a rising “up” and standing down of international conflicts. Regardless, God will make a way because we’re in a season of great change. Once more, he assures us of a coming breakthrough amid the difficulties, declaring that God will restore everything stolen from us. He declares that it shall be well with us while asserting that God’s hand is upon our lives.
0:00 Introduction
04:54 Habakkuk 1:5
06:33 The Quarters of the Year: What You Need to Know
07:18 Fire or Nineveh: Repent to Repair
08:44 Political Timeframe: New Characters
10:44 Exposing of Agreements & Unravelling of Wicked Plans
15:12 A Wake-Up Call
17:40 Cyber, Black Swan, Zombie & Sky Issues
18:33 Rising & Standing Down of International Conflicts
21:00 Coming Breakthrough
25:17 God is With You!
28:40 Conclusion
“Affliction will not rise a second time”.
In today’s prophetic update, we see the devastating effect of the recent Brazil storm that left great ruins and more than thirteen thousand people across Oklahoma without power. Recall that Joseph Z had warned about weather manipulation in his past videos, specifically in his live broadcast of March 20, 2024. On that same broadcast, we see a clip of how the weather is manipulated; exposing that more of this will come if the wrong leader gets into office in the next election. He further alerts us about the extremes of weather manipulations and how this poses a danger to society, as seen in the devastating Brazil storm.
Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:
Also, he reveals that we will see notable and monumental crashes with airplanes while insisting that satellite and cyber issues will make the news soon. He further informs us that there will be hacking issues associated with satellites that will be blamed on solar flares. This will give room for a savior who will utilize the opportunity created by these problems to introduce a new tech. Once more, he recalls his live broadcast of May 9, 2024, where he divulges the mysterious historical bottles of cherries found at George Washington’s Mt. Vermont estate in Virginia.
In like manner, Joseph gives a prophetic interpretation of this recent discovery at George Washington's estate, revealing that this is a sign of preservation coming to the United States. He insists that the righteous will be preserved, citing the Book of Nahum 1: 2 to warn that, not only is the Lord slow to anger, but also great in power and will not leave the guilty unpunished. He insists that we’re in the days of Noah but the sign of Jonah is the sign of what Jesus did while revealing that the Book of Nahum is dealing once again with Nineveh only that this time, it’s eighty-seven years after Jonah went to Nineveh. Interestingly, he reveals some prophetic insights into the coming eclipse in DC, linking it to the 2111 August 4, Greatest Eclipse.
0:00 Introduction
01:41 Weather Manipulation
02:44 Detailed Clip of Weather Manipulation
13:39 More Airline/Aircraft Issues
15:12 Satellites & Hacking Issues
19:30 Recent Historical Discovery at George Washington’s Estate
24:55 Nahum 1:2: Our Lord is a Jealous God
27:02 The Days of Noah & The Sign of Jonah
30:07 The Year 2111 Greatest Eclipse
39:03 Sneak Peek of our Travels: Thank You, Partners!
46:24 Conclusion
“Though the vision tarries, wait for it, it will surely come”.
In this prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z reveals a forty-day period in which we will experience four major events alongside a time of shelter and protection in the middle of the storm. He informs us that the Ark is a sign of preservation and protection, insisting that we will see generational preservation and advancement of the coming generation. He asserts that it’s not the end yet, as we are coming into a time of great pressure, and for the lord to answer the prayers of the righteous, there will be a shaking but the children of the Lord will come out at the other side. He exposes that oil will be discovered in our land and its production will save the nation from economic difficulty.
Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:
Joseph also reveals that we have one more round as a nation because the young lions are coming alongside generations X, Y, and Z. He explains that Generation Z is a pivotal generation while the Alpha Generation is the Joseph Generation that will be made of steel. Although there will be very few of them, they will rise as many. He instructs that we should wait for our vision even though it tarries while urging those yet to discover theirs to read God's word to know their vision. He further exposes that we are in the eye of the storm, and the Lord expects us to engage in long-term goals.
Reassuringly, Joseph informs us that God’s hand is upon our lives and the knowledge of this truth will make us bold to challenge the evil culture. He also asserts that there is a hidden vein of Gold for those who are obedient, who give up to go up, and those who keep serving God against all odds; insisting that God will finance and answer the fight inside of us. He references the Book of Acts 15 to explain the role of prophets in the Body of Christ. He then blesses every one of us, praying that the spirit of God will make a way for us.
0:00 Introduction
01:53 The Ark: A Time of Shelter & Protection
06:14 This is not the End!
09:14 Discovery of Oil/ Oil production
15:19 One More Round: The Young Lions
17:24 Generations X, Y, Z: What You Need to Know
22:05 A Time of New Beginnings
30:23 God’s Hand is Upon Your Life
31:54 The Hidden Vein of Gold
34:27 Acts 15
52:35 Conclusion
Preach Jesus!
In today's Red Church broadcast, Joseph Z and Jeremy Pearson teach about the prosperity gospel. Joseph instructs that there isn’t anything about the prosperity gospel, but only one gospel. Jeremy agrees with this, revealing that it’s a term coined by those critical of the message, and if we’re to overlook the prosperity message, we’ll be ignoring a lot of Scripture. He clarifies that if there’s no prosperity in the gospel, it will not be good news to the poor because Jesus said, “The spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor”. He explains that when we preach Jesus, we receive everything that Jesus represents.
Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:
Also, Jeremy encourages us to serve our generation with the Word, teach them how to live by faith, and experience a whole life of prosperity. He makes us understand that prosperity is not just money but covers peace, wisdom, and every good thing God has bestowed on us. Moreover, having the truth in us shows that our soul is prospering, and prosperity is also learning to value what God values. Interestingly, he leads us to the book of 1 Timothy 6:6, which teaches that contentment is the key to our prosperity; it’s also learning to be thankful at every point.
Once more, he clarifies that contentment is not the same as settling. It is being grateful for where we are while staying committed to where we’re going. Again, he interprets the verse that says, “The love of money is the root of all evil”. Explaining that this means having the thought of money all the time to the point of it taking the place of God is what is evil. He further leads us to the Book of 2 Timothy 3:1 to explain why perilous times will befall the earth. He reveals that perilous times will come because men will be lovers of themselves, money, unholy, slandering lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.
0:00 Introduction
02:00 Prosperity Gospel: What You Need to Know
05:10 Just Preach Jesus!
07:00 Serve Your Generation with the Word
07:56 What is Prosperity?
17:25 1 Timothy 6:6: Contentment
21:01 The Love of Money: Root of All Evil
23:49 2 Timothy 3:1: Reasons for Perilous Times
30:11 Prayer: Conclusion
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